
Student Khabri is the administrator, mediator and manager of the website and the version of its mobile website. This website policy document clarifies all the queries related to how the information and data gathered from users will be used. The privacy policy is prepared only for Student Khabri and not for the other websites linked to it. Kindly view the respective documents to get more details. Anything you submit to our company by any means is by the sole decision of yours. We are authorized to charge any consultancy amount as per the size of the service by us.


'Dirasa Pvt. Ltd.' has not designed the website for the users below 13 years and thus is not interested in keeping data of the users below the specified age. If you are under the specified age operate under the guidance of an adult or leave the website.

Cookies and IP Tracking Policy

The website also stores data other than the content which provides information on personal identity in the form of IP and cookies. It henceforth comes under the category non-personal identifiable data which also includes search history, queries submitted, education interests, date and time, domain, advertisement response.

Information Collected by the Website

The website also collects and stores the data submitted by users. As we allow users to request data from educational institutions listed on the website, so we share the data to respective institutes to fulfill the request and the privacy of such kind of data is under the mutual agreement between institutes and users. Mode of collecting data on Student Khabri is Contact Forms on the website with the aim to simplify the process of data presentation by collecting the user interests, educational qualification and age. By creating a user account, the visitor agrees to the terms and conditions of the website and we can use the data collected through our channel in the analysis of trends and can also be forwarded to the educational service providers depending on the usage history. The users providing testimonials/reviews are entitled to public display and can also be shared with our clients.

Opt-in Mails and Other ways to Use data by the Company

The company can use data collected through the website in various ways. Opt-in Mails- Company sends customized mails on the users opting for newsletters or notification on the admission process and entrance tests. Users can anytime unsubscribe from the service.